Well...It's Been A Long Time
The last time I posted a blog was in December of last year. Prior to that was a blog posting on August 15th; the half way point of our mission. Up until that time I had posted 20 blogs. I don't have any excuses since then and all the reasons why I haven't posted are not that interesting. We are going to finish the mission strong. We have 7 weeks left before we return home. During these seven weeks I'm planning on doing short posts showing things we did in the past 8 months.
Vivian and I had great plans how we would spend our last two months in Kyiv. The last audit period is basically completed. The new audit cycle begins on July 15th but we will be home before that so we are essentially done with our primary assignment as assistant area auditors in the Europe East Area of the Church. But we will not be idle.
We have been asked to fill in, on interim basis, for the office couple who handle administrative and financial matters for the mission. The current couple, the Carpenters, leave for home on May 21st. The new couple replacing them does not arrive until June 11th. When they do arrive we will provide orientation and some training for them until we leave on June 25th. Not something we planned to do nor asked to do. But when the mission president asked us of course...we said yes. We have been shadowing and training with the Carpenters since mid April. What a way to complete our missionary service. The picture is of us, the Carpenters and the two elders who also work in the office.
We love the mission president, his wife and the missionaries. This gives us an opportunity to serve them in a way we did not expect.
Please look for the posts. I hope you will enjoy them as we catch you up with pictures and brief commentaries. I will be putting the link for these posts on Facebook as well.