Sunday, June 17, 2018


On May 4th Vivian and I went with another senior couple, the Humphreys, to visit the National Botanical Garden in Kyiv.  These gardens sit up on top of a main hill that overlooks the Dnieper River and what is called the Left Bank of Kyiv.  From the river you can see many of the iconic cathedrals and other monuments that line that hill.  You can also see the gardens from river.  

The garden covers 1.3 km² and contains 13,000 types of trees, shrubs, flowers and other plans from all over the world.  We didn't see all of the gardens this trip.  The blooming lilacs at the end of spring are popular in the central garden and this is the reason we made the visit.  It was a beautiful day and afternoon.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Red poppies are a favorite in Ukraine

Looking back up the hill to the entrance to the Garden.

Essentially "Keep of the grass"

 These pictures show the Humphreys and the Foleys with Sister Chemezov.  She is one of the early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Ukraine.

As we were strolling through the Garden we came upon her enjoying the day.

The previous Monday she and her husband shared their journey with the senior couple missionaries serving in the Kyiv Mission and in the Kyiv Temple.  It was nice to talk with her some more and learn a little more of the history of the Church in Ukraine.

 One of my favorite things in Kyiv is seeing all the families out and about.  The children are so cute.  Here are three little ones we came across as we strolled in the Garden.  You can see in the background baby strollers. 

Throughout the Garden we saw lots of artists taking advantage of the great weather and the beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees.  I talked with a few of them and found out most of them are art students.

This view is looking from the Garden across the river looking at the high rises on the Left Bank. 

The building is the Vydubchi Monastery.  It is run by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.  It was established between 1070 and 1077 by the son of Yaroslav The Wise.

Monday, June 4, 2018


It is a rare event when the whole mission comes together in one place.  This happened last Saturday in Kyiv.  This was permitted because of a visit by Brother and Sister Tad Callister, Sunday School General President and Elder James B. Martino, Of the Seventy and President of the Europe East Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Elder Martino was accompanied by his wife, Sister Jennie Martino.

What a treat it was to have these two brethren teach us all how to be effective teachers in bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to His children, especially here in Ukraine.  They inspired us as they spent over two hours teaching the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  It was wonderful. 

The picture below is of all of the missionaries in the Ukraine Kyiv Mission; young elders and sister missionaries as well as senior couples assigned to the mission, President and Sister Kumferman and their daughter, Maggie.  I really like this picture and wanted to share it with all of you.

I am so very happy to be serving as a missionary and find growth and development each day.  I know my Savior lives, he loves us all and wants us to be happy.  This happiness comes through His Gospel, the Father's Plan of Happiness with the Atonement of His Son, Jesus Christ, the central core of this plan.  I hope for this kind of happiness for my family, friends and acquaintances. 

The three men in the  first row, center are Brother Callister, Elder Martino and President Kumferman, president of the Ukraine Kyiv Mission along with their wives.  

Waiting to eat after the conference concluded.  Elder Clawson is on the left and Elder Uchytil is on the right.  Both of these young men are fine missionaries and very fluent in the Russian language.  I look a little sick because I am.  I was having what my grandmother called a "dizzy spell".  Medically it's called "vertigo".  I still enjoyed the conference.

I love this picture of my wife.  Vivian (Sister Foley) with Sister Vogelsberg.  Elder Voglesberg was taking the picture.  A couple of real beauties.  The Vogelsbergs return home on June 20th.  We will miss them.